There’s something special about October. The crisp, cool air, the changing leaves, and of course, the abundance of squash. Whether it’s acorn, spaghetti or something more exotic like red kuri or blue Hokkaido squash, there are so many different types of this versatile gourd available in autumn markets and grocery stores. So if your dog loves to gnaw on raw carrots or sweet potatoes as much as he does bones and rawhide sticks, you can see if he enjoys pumpkin too. An increasing number of pet parents are finding that adding unusual foods to their dogs’ diet is a great way to keep them from getting bored with their usual meal plan. Read on for more information about whether your pooch can eat pumpkin safely in his diet…

Is Pumpkin Good for Dogs to Eat?
The answer to this question may not be as clear-cut as you think. Pumpkins are a controversial treat for dogs to eat. Many dog owners report that their pets love the taste of pumpkins, it is naturally nutritious and it can aid with constipation. However, at the other end of the scale too much pumpkin has been reported to bring on diarrhea and other gastrointestinal upset. Although pumpkin is a nutritious food for dogs, it does contain large amounts of fiber and sugar, which can cause stomach upset in some animals. It’s best to talk with your veterinarian before giving your dog any new food item, including pumpkin. To determine if your pet can safely eat pumpkin, take into consideration his age and weight along with his current diet before proceeding with adding this fall squash to his diet.
Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin Seeds?
As with any new food, it’s best to introduce pumpkin seeds gradually. Start by feeding your Dog just a few at first. You can mix them in with his dinner or give him an entire pumpkin seed by itself to see how he reacts. Just like humans, dogs have stomachs that produce enzymes that can break down their food and help them digest it. Pumpkin seeds contain very thick shell, which means they are more difficult for the body to digest than other foods like raw carrots or sweet potatoes. If your dog is sensitive to pumpkin seeds, they could cause some discomfort when they pass through the system, so start off small and monitor your pup closely for signs of digestive distress. It’s also important to make sure that the pumpkin you feed your pup is fresh and raw, not canned. And be sure to read up on any dietary restrictions for your particular breed of dog before adding any new foods into his diet! Lastly, never give pumpkin seeds as a substitute for medication--it’s important that you consult your vet before feeding anything new to Fido!
What are the benefits of feeding your Dog Pumpkin?
Pumpkin is a great food to feed your dog if he’s bored with his regular diet. It is low-calorie, and as we mentioned earlier it is high in fiber and packed with vitamin A which helps maintain healthy skin and coat. Pumpkin also provides potassium which helps control blood pressure and maintain heart health, as well as manganese which supports the immune system. Pumpkin is also very easy to digest for dogs. This means that it’s less likely to cause stomach issues or bloat like some other vegetables are known for doing. In addition to these benefits, pumpkin is quite tasty for dogs so it will most likely be more appealing than other vegetables that have a more bland taste. If you’re worried about your dog eating too much pumpkin at once, don’t worry! It takes about 4 cups of pumpkin to equal one cup of vegetables for humans, so the amount you feed your pup should be much smaller than this number.
Final Thoughts...
Pumpkin is safe for dogs to eat. Some people might be a little apprehensive about giving their dog pumpkin, but it’s totally safe! Pumpkin is packed full of nutrition and is low in calories, so it’s a perfect addition to your doggies diet. Additionally, this squash contains a whopping 2 grams of protein per cup. What are the benefits of giving your dog pumpkin? Similar to sweet potatoes, pumpkins have built-in skin that can be dried and ground into nutritious flour for baking. And when it comes to your dog’s health, pumpkin has some major advantages over traditional table fare like grains and veggies. For example: Pumpkin is naturally gluten-free. It’s appropriate for dogs with sensitivities or allergies to wheat or corn. Pumpkin is rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A (which can help improve vision). It also supports healthy digestion thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. If you’re ready to introduce pumpkin into your dog's diet, there are many ways you can do it.