Fleas are tiny black insects that feed on the blood of their host animal. When an animal has fleas, it’s unhygienic and can also be a carrier of flea-borne diseases.
If you notice your dog or cat scratching or biting at its fur, that may indicate an infestation of fleas. To avoid the risks associated with having fleas in your home, follow this quick and easy guide on how to kill fleas. If you have recently adopted a new pet, there is also a possibility that he or she may have brought fleas into your house as their previous owner may not have been aware of their presence. Now that you are aware, you will need to take action to eliminate them from your home as soon as possible before they spread out even more. Here is what you need to know about killing fleas and keeping them away for good!
Step 1: Identify the source of infestation
Fleas will typically infest your pet, so you need to start by identifying the source of infestation. If your pet has fleas, then beaware that the fleas will be more likely to jump onto you and other people in the household when near them. They are also attracted to light and can jump many feet off of the ground when trying to find a new host. If you suspect that it's not just your pet who has flea infestation, you may need to look for other sources as well.
Fleas will also commonly thrive on carpets, upholstered furniture, or anything with a lot of animal hair that can serve as a food source for them. In order to eliminate all sources of these unwanted pests in your home you will need to vacuum any carpets or upholstered furniture where there is animal hair present and make sure all pets are treated with a flea preventative product. An important fact to keep in mind is that topical treatments will not kill larvae living inside carpeting or upholstery- which means that if eggs have been laid there, they could hatch and develop into adult fleas within one week!
Step 2: Get rid of the fleas you see
Fleas, like all insects, are trying to find a way to reproduce and the best place for that is on your dog or cat. So, the first thing you’re going to want to do is start killing the fleas you see. There are many ways to do this. You can use a fine-toothed comb and look for any flea eggs that are attached to your pet’s fur. As mentioned above you could treat the environment too by vacuuming up any live fleas or flea residue in your home. Another way you can kill these tiny insects is by using a spray that contains Pyrethrin, which will break down their exoskeleton as soon as it comes into contact with them, causing death from dehydration. Pyrethrin-based sprays can also be used outdoors if necessary, but they should only be applied on a dry day and not when it’s raining or humid outside because they may wash off before they have time to be effective. If you don't have access to a pyrethrin-based spray, then there are other options available.
You can purchase topical spot on treatments from an online pet store amd then apply it during dry weather conditions only.
The last method that's worth mentioning is using a vacuum cleaner where you will suck up all of the fleas and their eggs in one go! This is an excellent way of minimizing live exposure risk and preventing future infest
Step 3: Treat your pet with a preventive measure
Fleas are tiny and quick creatures. They can jump far distances and infest multiple areas of your home. So, they will be difficult to kill permanently. If you have a pet that is prone to flea bites, it’s best to treat them with a preventive measure like Beaphar Fiprotec. Flea preventative treatments protect your dog or cat from fleas for up to 30 days after the application. This provides extra protection so that even if he or she gets bitten by a flea in the future, it will not be able to lay eggs on your pet's skin which could lead to an infestation.
Step 4: Kill the eggs and larvae
Flea eggs and larvae are hard to see with the naked eye, but they are just as important in the flea infestation cycle. Killing the eggs and larvae will help you kill all of the fleas in your house for good! To do this, vacuum carpets, rugs, and upholstery thoroughly. Make sure to get rid of the bag or empty canister after vacuuming so that any flea eggs or larvae that you missed will not hatch again. For added protection, spray your carpet with a houehold spray such as Indorex before vacuuming. That way, you’ll be killing the immature stages of fleas in addition to the adult ones. Next, vacuum pet bedding thoroughly and wash blankets and pillows on a hot wash – this will ensure that there won’t be any remaining fleas hiding anywhere on your bedding.
Fleas will typically lay their eggs on these items which is why it’s important to keep them clean. If you have pets such as cats or dogs in your household, use a pet-specific shampoo to bathe them. The shampoo should kill any living fleas on their fur as well as dry out any larval stages of fleas which could be residing in their fur after taking a bath. Lastly, it is important to note that while some people believe they can get rid of fleas by using only one product (or from using different products separately), we recommend using a multi-pronged approach.
Final Thoughts...
You can take these steps to kill fleas and make your home pest-free. The key to success is to stick with it and be consistent, especially in warmer months when fleas are most active. With a little patience and perseverance, you can eliminate these pests for good without the use of harmful chemicals.